
Friday, August 30, 2019

Digital Tech Hurumanu Post 1

Last week we started on Digital Tech Hurumanu. In this hurumanu we are working some issues. The issue that I chose is homelessness.

Here are some questions that I answered in this doc. Doc

And here is my learning log in this doc. Doc

Thursday, August 29, 2019

P.E Week 6

This week for P.E we have been working on choosing a sport or game in our teams to play. We chose a game called bench ball. We had to work on making drills and warm ups. This week was quite fun. I showed teamwork by helping out people if they needed help and played the games well.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Barrett Family

Today we started on a task and we had learn about the Barrett family and we had to watch a video here. Video.  Mainly Zara. Zara has down syndrome. Down syndrome is a rear disease were you have growing disorders and a speech impediments and much more. The Barrett brothers said that even though she has down syndrome we still treat her the same.

All Blacks Message

Last week we started on making posters and videos for the All Blacks for C.I.P
This week Anton Leonard-Brown shared a video. Here it is

I am really inspired from this video.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

P.E Week 5

This week we started P.E hurumanu for the second. The first thing we did was the fitness test. We started on Monday and did 4 and we did the the beep test today. Here are my results.

Vertical Jump
     M2: 2.2

Sit and Reach: 10cm Sit Ups: 2 Grip Test: 0 Beep Test: 2.8

The hardest thing was the beep test. Running was my weak point. We record this to see what my fitness results are next time and see if I have improved.

I worked successfully with others because I encouraged people when they were struggling and that helped them out. 


Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Al Blacks poster

Today we had to make something to send to the all blacks

Here is mine.


Today For C.I.P we learned about the All Blacks. We had to write down some facts.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019


For the past week I have been working on my learning conference slides. They are here show some great work to my parents. Here it is.


Today for C.I.P we are working on wellbeing. Our project was to send a letter to someone we care about. I wrote to my teacher Miss Birtch. Here is my letter:

Miss Birtch 

Dear Miss Birtch. I am writing a letter today to talk about how you are a great teacher. One reason you are a great teacher is you always help out someone if they need help. You give us really interesting work like our reading right now. Another great reason is when we had the end of term one party. It was a really good party. You also give out heaps of stamps. I like how you have the prize box and give out the stars and then they get a prize.

That is all I can think of right now. Thank you for being a great teacher.  

From Cody


Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Science ?

Aim; To look at the different ways we can prevent climate change in the future.

Changing Our Future

Name 3 fossil fuels?
What is the cost?
carbon dioxide
The CO2 level has soured since when?
since the start of the industrial revaluation
What are the effects in the UK?

  1.    heat waves
  2.    thousands of species go extinct
How many climate refugees will there be in Britain by 2050?
200 million

When will Fairborn be flooded?
In 26 years

What are some of the other things that will be 'swallowed by the waves'?
  1.    gas terminals
  2.     power stations 
  3.  landfill sites

How can we stop climate change?
  1.    stop using gas boilers in homes
  2.  cars run on hydrogen and batteries   
  3.  fly less
  4.   cut back on meat consumption 
What ideas are school children having about climate change?
  1. they are protesting   
  2.   voting
  3.  writing letters
What is the atmosphere called?

a  Waste Dump.

What is the last statement the reporter made?

We know what we need to do, we have got the technologe. What we lack is the

political will.

What places will be effected?
Coast of NZ
What else do we need to think about?
not building houses on our coast
What other places around NZ will be affected?
pacific island
What does this do to our drinking water?
make it salty
What are the main concerns?

  1.   flooding
  2.   erosion


What is the one, silver bullet solution?

no one sliver bullet 

What is the mix of things we need to start doing?
  1.   using renewable energy
  2.   use electric cars
  3.  renewable fuels My Investigation
Where does our food come from?

  • Choose your favourite food.

  1. Upload a picture of itImage result for donut
  2. Draw a picture of it on A4.    

On your blog answer the following questions.

  • Where does the food come from (e.g. is it from another province or country, was it purchased or made locally)? 
  • How many kilometers away did the food travel to get to you?
  • What are the main ingredients? 
sprinkles, powdered sugar, dough, yeast
  • How is the food packaged? 
They are not separately packaged. it is put in boxes.
  • What resources do you need to produce this food item (e.g. land, water, oil, food, etc.)? 
oil food
  • Would this item have been processed? 
  • Is there anything unique or significant about the food item (e.g. fair-trade, local)? 
  • What else do you notice about this food that affects its climate friendliness? 
Made in big factories. Also it has palm oil in it and people have to destroy factories to get it
  • Do you think this food is climate friendly (Circle)?       (NO)   
  • Why?
Made in big factories. They were made in big factories and use fossil fuels.
  • If no, what would be a better alternative?  
  • fruit 

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Clay Animation - Final Project - Art Week 3

Today I am going to show you me and my groups final animation 
for art. We have been working on this for seven weeks. First we had to think about our script. Then we had to start making our props with clay. First we made the car and then we made the people. After we had made the props we had to do our backgrounds. Then we started recording. The first recording was to short so we restarted. Then we added the end scene. Then voice over. The voice over took ages to get good. But this is as good as it can get. We did this because it was our project for art. This video is about Manaakitanga. Which means being kind and helping out.  I really liked the outcome and liked making the video with my friends. It was a really fun project and turned out really good. Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Kids Can - What they do

Last week we were working on a mufti day for kids Can. Click here for link. This week we got given a task to write down some facts about Kids Can. Here is my work:

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Science Week 1 Term 3

Today for science we are doing work on water cycle bags.


Bag 1: Normal Water cycle
Bag 2: Water cycle with CO2 added: like Oceans in climate change
Bag 3: Water cycle with ice added: like Antarctica in climate change


  1. Water/soda water  
  2.  bag
  3.  food colouring
  4. vivid
  5. sand
  6.  litmus paper


  1.  Get vivid and bag from teacher.
  2. draw water cycle on bag and label it .
  3. get one cup of soda water or water and put in water.
  4. add two drops of food colouring.
  5. in bag 2 put litmus paper.
  6. hang bag up on the window.

Two Images:


The Water Cycle: Bag 1
CO2 Water Cycle: Bag 2
Desert Water Cycle
Bag 3
Does it cycle?
Amount of Water

Key: Water and acidity amount: 1 = none 
2 = small 
3 = large 

1.Bag 1 cycled 
2.Bag 1 had a small amount of cycle                       
3.Bag 1 had no acidity

4.Bag 2 cycled
5.Bag 2 had a small amount of cycle
6.Bag 2 had lots of acidity

7.Bag 3 cycled
8.Bag 3 had a small amount of cycle
9.Bag 3 had no acidity


Bag 1 had a little bit of water and cycle and had no acidity. Bag 2 had a little bit of water and cycle and had lots of acidity. Bag 3 had a little bit of water and cycle and had no acidity. 

Definition of ACIDIFICATION: process of becoming acid

2 Pictures:

Image result for ACIDIFICATIONImage result for ACIDIFICATION

 how it affects the water cycle.   CORRODES CORAL AND SHELLFISH 

DEFORESTATION meaning: clearing trees

2 Pictures:

Image result for deforestationImage result for deforestation

 how it affects the water cycle. People burn the wood and it turns into carbon dioxide

ICE CAP MELT Definition: Ice melts

Picture:Image result for ice cap melting meaning

Diagram of how it affects the water cycle.

Image result for ice cap melting meaning



Image result for water vapor definition

Diagram of how it affects the water cycle.

Image result for water vapor diagram


Weather and Climate Change 

Measuring weather.


Wind Speed
SpinsIndicatorsTerms Used in NWS Forecasts
00-20Calm; smoke rises vertically.Calm
12-510Shown by direction of wind smoke drift, but not by wind vanes.Light
26-1240Wind felt on face, leaves rustle; ordinary vanes moved by wind.Light
313-2080 Leaves and small twigs in constant motion; wind extends light flag.Gentle
421-29130Raises dust and loose paper; small branches are moved.Moderate
530-39190Small trees in leaf begin to sway; crested wavelets form on inland waters.Fresh
640-50250Large branches in motion; whistling heard in telephone wires; umbrellas used with difficulty.Strong
751-61320Whole trees in motion; inconvenience felt walking against the wind.Strong
862-74390Breaks twigs off trees; generally impedes progress.Gale
975-87470Slight structural damage.Gale
1088-101550Seldom experienced inland; trees uprooted; considerable structural damage occurs.Whole gale
11102-116640Very rarely experienced inland; accompanied by widespread damage.Whole gale
12117 or more730+Very rarely experienced; accompanied by widespread damage.Hurricane

Wind speed - Making an anemometer.



  1. 4 cups 
  2. pin  
  3.  pencil with eraser 
  4. tape  
  5. 4 straws  


  1. Tape the straws together in a shape like this ➕  
  2.   put cups on straws going the same  direction
  3.   put pin through straws 
  4. put on  eraser on pencil
  5.    use
Once you have made an anemometer we are going to record the wind speed.

Group size: 5

You will need:

Anemometer (above) 


  • Timekeeper
  • Counter
  • Recorder
  • Anemometer Manager
  • Wind generator
  1. Mount the anemometer in a place that has full access to the wind from all directions.
  2. When the time keeper says "Go", the counter in each group will count how many times the marked cup passes them in one minute and write it down.
  3. If possible, repeat the above step four (4) times and record the average number of spins on the chart.


  • Record how many times it spins using the table below.
You will need to create the wind yourself by blowing. Get 4 different wind speeds by blowing.

You will need to time them and count the number of spins.

Time IntervalNumber of Spins
  • Can you make a statement connecting the number of spins of your anemometer and the speed of the wind? 

Monday, August 5, 2019

Night Vision - By Ella West.

For reading this term i am reading a book could night vision. We have to do 3 tasks every 3 chapters. Here is my work. I have finally finished reading the book and done all the tasks. I have really enjoyed this book.