On Monday Bh and Tz went to Orana Wildlife Park. Orana Wildlife Park is a zoo near the Christchurch airport. In the morning we jumped on a bus and got driven to Orana Wildlife Park. When we got there we went to the giant kiwi near the kiwi enclosure. Then we dropped off our bags and got split up into two groups. I was in group 1. My group went to the spider-monkey first. Then we seen the lions. They were really loud. After that we went to the tiger enclosure. But there was no tigers in there. Later we went to the Tasmanian devils. They looked like giant rats. After that we seen the kea and the kiwi. Next we seen the reptiles. There were over fifty. Later we had lunch. After lunch we seen the springbok. They are the rarest animals in the park. After we saw the orangutans and the gorillas. They have the biggest enclosures. After we fed the giraffes The last animal we seen was the meerkats. They were so tiny. Then we went back to school.

Hi Cody Jesse.A here from your buddy class. This is really cool blog post but we seen the meerkats first and last the time we visited the meerkats was very short it was like 5 seconds. Those photos are really good and you put the the meerkat one twice so you might want to delete one of them and how many times have you been to Orana Park? I've been 6 times. BLOG YOU LATER!!!