I was about to have some vanilla ice cream. I slowly opened the tin foil top I slowly approached and scooped some. It tapped my tongue then my brain froze. It was creamy and half melted. It's like it was made for me. I can't really describe the flavor but it was still really yum.
Goody Goody Gum Drop
It was time to have ice cream AGAIN. This time it was goody goody gum drops (and it was creamy again) My table was up first. I was the first to have the ice cream. The ice cream was mint green and the it had lollies I got Three. When we finished we had to write about it (OBVIOUSLY) The ice cream has its own flavor (if you didn’t know) Now you should try goody goody gumdrop ice cream.
Hi Cody, I really really like your writing about ice cream and what is taste like but next time put more ideas in it.