This week in social studies we are learning about Woodstock and the Vietnam war. For one of the tasks we had to listen to a song about anti war. The song I am listening to is Give Peace a Chance by John Lennon. It repeats give peace a chance. The song is basically saying to give peace a chance and stop fighting the Vietnamese
I am a student at in Uru Mānuka. In 2020 I was a year 9 and in 2021 I will be a year 10. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note....some work won't be edited - just my first drafts, so there may be some surface errors. I would love your feedback, comments, thoughts and ideas.
Wednesday, March 31, 2021
Monday, March 29, 2021
Reflection Section Week 9
This is my reflection for the past few weeks.
We haven't really done anything memorable over the past few weeks at school but we did get a day off last week. But in the weekend I went to the beach. We took some shovels and a wind cart thing that has a sail and gets pushed by the wind. I got the cart quite fast but I only got a few turns because it wasn't that windy. I also dug a really big hole and made a little hill and stated putting water at the top and it made a waterfall. A few weekends ago I went fishing off a wharf thing at diamond harbour. We used squid as bait and I caught a few starfish and threw them back.
I haven't really done much at school but I have done a few things in the weekends.
Thursday, March 18, 2021
The Last Post
The Last Post was played during WW1 during funerals and memorials. It is also now played every year on ANZAC day. This song is very important because it is a memorial for the Australian and New Zealand soldiers that fought in the war. This song was first played in WW1 from what I could find. It is significant because it commemorates the fallen soldiers at funerals and other things.
Friday, March 12, 2021
Reflection Section Week 6 | Athletics Day
Reflection Section Week 6 | Athletics Day
Last week on Thursday we had athletics day. There were two things you could do competitive or social. Competitive was you chose 5 events that your good at and you got points and you could go to zones which is the big Christchurch competition. Social is the one I chose and it was basically just following a teacher around and doing some of the activities with your year group. In competitive you go to form and then you start but social you have period one and two. Period one and two we did no work and got to sit on our phones. I missed my first event which was long jump even though I was looking forward to it. When I found the group I was meant to be in our second event wasn't for a while so the said we should do a paper scissors rock competition. I lost straight away and the teacher ended up winning the year 10 boys paper scissors rock competition. The next event was sprints which was a bit of a mess because there heaps of us running at once. Then it was high jump which I couldn't do then my last event was discuss which I didn't do good at either. At the end of the day there was the house sprints and my house came second in total. I liked athletics day because we did no work, it was fun and I got to hang out with my friends the whole day.
Atomic Science | Periodic Table
This term we have been working on learning about atoms and the periodic table.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021
Over the past few weeks we have been learning about the story of Pariaka. Which was about how the British soldiers took over Parihaka and arrested the leader because they were on there land. For this blog post we had to answer some questions from a song called Parihaka. Parihaka Song Link. The main message of this song is about Parihaka and Te Whiti. In the song "you can't pull out your roots" means you can't stop them from plowing and planting seeds. The song also says "His children's children wearing the white plume" means they are wearing the white albatross feather which represents Te Whiti. Te Whiti will never be defeated means hell always be remembered and talked about so he will never be defeated.