Today for art we had to finish our art narrative. Our narrative is for our stop motion. Our stop motion is our main project and this is basically the script. Here it is:
It was a cloudy night in the forest. Timmy was driving along and he saw lights. He got scared but it was a ranger. He waved at her. But then he saw a set of lights. But it was on his side of the road. It was coming right for him. BANG! They crashed. Then he rolled back and hit a tree.
Timmy got out of the car and noticed it was a wanted criminal named Johnny.
He jumped back into the car and drove and the car was spewing out black smoke. “This can’t be good” Said Timmy. Then Johnny started chasing him. “He has been chasing me for half an hour” Said Timmy. Then he saw lights on the other side of the road. It was the ranger. They drove past her and Timmy was beeping.
She turned around and chased them. The Ranger drove as fast as she could. She got to them and smashed into the side of the truck. Then the truck crashed into a tree. The Ranger helped him out and fixed his car. Then he drove off into the distance.