Timmy is 6 years old and likes exploring. He has blue eyes and has black hair.
It was nice sunny Saturday morning Timmy was looking through the basement for fun, when he found a helium compressor and a parachute. Timmy ran so fast up the like he was he running away from a erupting volcano, up the ramp with mini air compressor and parachute, to his bedroom. Timmy excitedly grabbed 4 jumbo sized balloons ran outside and blew them up with the helium pump.
He instantly floated away. He was going so fast. There were heaps of things in the air. There were jets, planes, birds and clouds he could also see Mars, Jupiter, rockets and more. three hours later he was out of Earth’s atmosphere. He saw a light coming at him like a rocket.
It was getting closer and closer. He seemed so loud people on the Earth could hear him. POP! He got hit by a U.F.O. As the U.F.O entered Earth’s atmosphere the space suits parachute plopped out. PLOP! One hour later he landed in his backyard. Timmy ran so fast and grabbed a apple pie because he was starving and ate it tidily. He walked normally into the lounge and flicked on the TV to watch the 9:00PM news. “a U.F.O has crashed in”. he switched off the tv before the news person could say, and He ran to his bed went to bed.
By Cody